Monday, November 9, 2009

Hannah-isms, the religion edition

Recently, Mark and I were watching a sermon online and Hannah sat down next to us. She pointed to Andy Stanley and asked: "Is that Jesus?"

Getting in the car early one morning last week: "Oh, look, there's condemnation on our car!" I didn't even know she knew that word (condensation, of course!).

Repeatedly over the last few weeks: "It's time for the Mormons!" or "Watch guys, I'm doing the Mormons!" I had NO IDEA what she was talking about until Dana broke the code:"performance".

In ballet class last week a piece of scab from where she had skinned her elbow came off. She brought the scabby piece to her teacher (pan to me: grossed out and embarrassed) and said, "Look at how God is healing me!!!"


Julie Tiemann said...

LOVE these. And I'm pretty sure there are others who think Andy's Jesus too...

Moore Of Us said...

My favorite is the last one. Wow! She is amazing. Do you think that guy minded that she was looking over his shoulder? Ha Ha.