Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Haps and Mishaps

I know the last time I was in, I promised pictures. Really they will come. I count it a miracle that I even have those pictures because last week my computer came very close to an untimely death, possibly taking with it a few weeks of pictures that hadn't been backed up. Mark, the miracle computer man, found a way to keep it working, so HALLELUJAH! And I learned a very good lesson about keeping the computer out of reach of certain toddlers and not using it so casually for showing Thomas videos. No more kid videos on the laptop.

Secondly, we've begun an interesting, exciting, and terrifying look into possibly, maybe, perhaps, Lord-willing, insha'Allah, buying a house. When you combine our desired location with our budget you end up with something small, weird, or generally in need of repair and renovations. But that kind of sounds like a description the Doulos, where we happily lived for over two years so... we might find something. Or not. We'll see.

Other general updates: Ethan got his second tooth. And he is adorable. He's been nursing well; no bottles or pumping recently, hooray! Also he is adorable. And his eyes are still blue. At 6.5 months, you think they will stay? For the last few weeks he's been sleeping 11-12 hours at night. That makes him even more adorable.

Adam is trying absorb language like a sponge. He points to things and says, "Dat-dat?" (what's that?), and will attempt to repeat almost any word. He plays constantly with his trains and cars except when he is cuddling with one of us or laughing and running after his sister in his funny toddler stomp-stomp-stomp way.

Hannah talks NON-STOP and that is proving to be a challenge for introspective me who requires quietness in order to organize my thoughts. She is expressive, dramatic, needy, curious, creative, energetic, stubborn, bossy, girly, prissy, and desirous of a very full schedule of activities and outings. All a challenge. But I miss her when she's away for even an hour.

Mark's doing great at work. A couple of local projects lately, no out of town travel so far as we expected for the fall, so yay!

I started to get sick but last night I ate a whole clove of fresh minced garlic and I woke up this morning 100% healthy. A coincidence? I don't think so. Garlic: try it. It also keeps others at a safe distance so as not to catch your germs.

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