Monday, September 7, 2009

Signing Time with Adam and Hannah

Our favorite video series is Signing Time with Alex and Leah. OK, the kids would tell you their favorite video series is actually Thomas the Tank Engine, but deep down inside this is the one they really love. Because it's just so stinking amazing.

Early on with Hannah, around 12 months of age, I taught her a few very basic signs to help with communication and manners at the table. After watching the 10 or so Signing Time videos we have, I would estimate her sign vocabulary to be more than 200 words.

To those who wonder if teaching signs impedes language development, I say, have you met my daughter? Chatty McChatterbox! OK, I will stop with the fake Scottish nicknames now.

Here's Adam using putting his signing skills to good use: cookie acquisition.

And now using words, slightly muffled by cookies stuffed in his mouth:

Hannah wanted to show a sign too. Don't blame Alex and Leah; Daddy taught her this one!


Erin said...

we are HUGE signing time fans here, too! it's fantastic!

Jessica said...

Of course, Adam would teach her poop. Lovely!

I love that you are teaching them sign language. One of the kids I babysat had been taught some signs and it made life a lot easier because he could tell me things that he had a hard time pronouncing. I so want to come see y'all!

Anonymous said...

Very nice signing! I am glad to hear that Signing Time is their favorite LOL, let's say it's tied with Thomas!

When people ask me if signing delays speech, I just ask them, "Well, the first time your kids waved 'bye-bye' did you stop them, because you were afraid they'd never say it?.. of course not!"

Communication never delays communication.

Thank you for blogging about Signing Time and sharing it with your friends, family and readers.


Julie Tiemann said...

I'm so impressed. We've tried signs with Amelia for a little while now but she's not been into it. She has made up one of her own though, so I know it works! Any chance we could borrow one of your 10 videos some time? :)