Sunday, August 2, 2009

This boy

... has my heart

He has captured it just like his daddy eight years ago. He has such a shy charm, a twinkle in his eye that says we share a secret joke.  He is the fairest of our kids, with porcelain skin and blond hair. He walks and runs from place to place with his arms slightly out and back and a determined, energetic step - thump, thump, thump, thump.

And Adam is a lover. When Mark walks in the door after work, Adam without fail drops whatever he is doing and runs headlong into Mark's arms (or legs) squealing "Daddeeeee!" He gives out hugs at random times. He snuggles and kisses me. He often insists on 15 minutes of cuddling after nap time.  

He plays for long stretches of time every day with his Ikea train set or looking at books. While I am nursing Ethan, he likes to run his toy cars over my legs and the couch as if they are roads and bridges. He knows lots and lots of words, but the regulars are "car-car", "train", and "Daddy". New favorites are body parts, like eyes, nose, and teeth.

Adam has adjusted well to not being the youngest. Like Hannah at this point, he already doesn't remember a time without Ethan. He is getting better about loving on Ethan "gently" but I still have to keep a very close eye on things. Good thing we have a small living space - nobody is too far from me at any given time :)


Hans and Shinta said...

He is too cute!!!!

Jessica said...

He is precious! Granted, all of your kids are. And you're right. The advantage to smaller places is that it's so easy to reach things. It's one of the few reasons that I miss the dorm. When my cell phone is in my bedroom and I'm downstairs and I faintly hear it go off, it's a pain in the tushie to try and get to it before it stops ringing.

This is why I got such a small car :)

Julie Tiemann said...

Such a sweet post, Julie.

Unknown said...

He's gorgeous! What a cutie.

You are blessed!