Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hannah's Walk Down the Aisle - Part 2

Now her walk down the aisle. At first you'll notice that she's unsure of the direction to go and starts putting petals back in her basket.  But then she gets the hang of it and heads straight for Daddy, who was sitting at the front.  Once she gets there, she realizes she still has all those petals in the basket!  She starts to put them down, one by one...

This method is faster!   (This is a short one.)

And a few last whacks to really get them all out...

Check out how Brittany's mom is cracking up! I was nervous she wouldn't see that Brittany was arriving at the back. She did great though and the rest of the ceremony was absolutely beautiful.  I'm so proud of my little girl!

1 comment:

Julie Tiemann said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh my goodness, that is hilARious! And could she be any cuter? I don't think so!