Friday, August 8, 2008

Progress Report

I have to confess I neither went to bed early nor woke up early.  Despite my frustration with myself, I set out to redeem the situation.  After morning activities with the kids and starting a new loaf of bread - we all went running together!  I love our stroller.  The kids were winding down quickly as it approached nap time but I was able to get my heart rate up and we all got sunshine and fresh air.

Now I feel rejuvenated to tackle this afternoons goals:
1. Start dinner (spinach quiche)
2. Put new slipcover on the couch
3. Scrub the coffee stains out of our walls and carpet

And I hope to reach yesterday's goal tonight - though I'll bump it back by an hour since it's Friday.  In bed by 11, up at 7 and off for a run while the air is still somewhat COOL!

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